All Purpose Gravy Without Pan Drippings

Who doesn't like gravy?  But sometimes you need gravy and you don't have any pan drippings to make it with.  This is delicious gravy and it doesn't need pan drippings.

1 carrot, peeled and cut in to 1" pieces
1 stalk celery, cut in to 1" pieces
½ onion , cut in to 1" pieces
3 tbl butter
¼ cup ap flour
4 cups chicken stock
¼ tsp dried thyme
1 bay leaf
5 whole peppercorns
¼ tsp salt
¼ tsp freshly ground black pepper

 Put the carrot, celery, and onion in a food processor and process until the pieces are ⅛” or smaller.

 Heat the butter over medium heat in a non-stick pan until it melts.  Add the vegetables and cook until they brown.  Browning the vegetable is important as it creates a lot of flavor.  Add the flour and stir until it turns light brown.  Just like the vegetables, browning the flour is important, it creates a lot of flavor.

 Slowly whisk in the chicken stock.  Don’t add it all at once or you will have chicken stock with a glob of vegetables and flour in it.  Skim any foam off the top as the gravy comes to a boil.

 Reduce the heat to where the gravy is at a simmer, add the thyme, bay leaf, and pepper corns.  Stir this occasionally and simmer until it reduces to approximately 3 cups.

 Strain through a fine mesh strainer to catch the solids.  Press on the solids in the strainer to get as much gravy as possible from it.

 Stir in the salt and pepper and serve.
